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Everyday Visual Reports
Reporting Mindset Shift
What is your reporting process? (2:11)
The three big reporting problems. (7:53)
Visual reporting mindset. (2:52)
Design more reports. (2:01)
Frequency versus variety. (2:27)
Basic Design Theory and Tips
The traditional PDF report design. (2:44)
The visual report. (4:05)
Visual hierarchy color, fonts, and scale. (1:51)
Grid based design. (4:56)
Report writing process. (2:55)
Three quick design tips. (3:16)
Vignelli play grid. (0:57)
Activity: Grid Play
Using Canva photo grids. (3:52)
My Design Process
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. (1:52)
My process: asking a bunch of questions. (4:44)
My process: decide on what you want to create. (2:02)
Question - what's a carousel? (0:55)
My process: favorite things to pitch. (2:13)
My process: getting tangible as fast as possible. (0:45)
Question - how do you create web reports? (0:55)
My process: when to prototype. (2:09)
Discussion: writing or designing, which goes first? (8:08)
My process: finding your limits. (4:17)
My process: getting sign off on the design. (2:01)
My process: just create. (1:03)
Designing Visual Reports
One pager design considerations. (3:01)
Simple One Pager [Canva Template]
Designing social infographics. (4:54)
Simple Social Images [Canva Template]
Designing the intro paragraph one-pager. (3:11)
Intro Paragraph One Pager [Canva Template]
Designing the DesignKit inspired one-pager concept. (2:06)
One Pager Concept - DesignKit [Canva Template]
Designing the Imagination Illustrated one pager concept. (2:00)
One Pager Concept - Imagination Illustrated [Canva Template]
Designing the UNICEF inspired text heavy 1-pager. (2:21)
Text Heavy 1-pager - UNICEF [Canva Template]
Designing the UNICEF inspired facts and figures one pager concept. (3:49)
One Pager Concept - UNICEF [Canva Template]
Designing the UNICEF inspired annotated map concept. (3:26)
Annotated Map - UNICEF [Canva Template]
Designing the WFP inspired landscape case study. (2:32)
Landscape Case Study - WFP [Canva Template]
Design Tips
Using Canva's template library. (2:56)
Working with fonts and chrome extensions. (4:52)
Working with colors and chrome extensions. (3:27)
Design tips: slidedocs and multi-page coloring. (5:13)
Design tips: creating charts in Flourish. (2:38)
Design tips: creating maps in Datawrapper. (2:06)
Design tips: overlapping circles in scatter plots and icon arrays. (1:45)
Design tips: creating tables in Datawrapper. (0:27)
Quick Wins - Micrographics [Bonus Course]
Quote Graphic
Simple Infographic
Coloring Maps
Data Dive
Annotated Chart
Chart Creator
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